"A Message from Mother Nature?"
1/What is the main point of this article?
This Article talk about climate change long time.
2/List four vocabulary words that you do
not recognize or understand, lookup the definitions, write them out using your own words.
not recognize or understand, lookup the definitions, write them out using your own words.
-Drought: not have raining,don't have much water.
-Skeptics: season wind.
3/What is the difference between “weather” and “climate”?
Weather:period not long time.
Climate: period long time.
4/ What are the examples listed in the article of “extreme weather”?
-Few month, have Skeptics in Vietnam,have terrible flood.
5/What experiences have you had with “extreme weather”?
6/What does the word “perception” mean?
-Perception: opinion, how you understand or view something.
7/What is your “perception” of global climate change?
I feel global climate so different then i think something new i didn't know that.Lưu dưới dạng Bản nháp